Summer Skill Builders: Entering Grades 1 & 2
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- Summer Skill Builders: Entering Grades 1 & 2
Event Phone: 716.362.7848
MONDAYS 4:45-6:15PM
Students Entering Grades 1 & 2
June 29, July 6, 13, 20, 27, August 3, 10, 17
This Common Core aligned Summer Skill Builder workshop will focus on the skills that students need to be successful in grades 1 & 2. ELA instruction will focus on grade-appropriate print concepts, phonological awareness, fluency, phonics, and word recognition. Students will explore key ideas and details, literacy craft and structure, and integration of knowledge and ideas at the recommended complexity level. A strong emphasis will be placed on developing quality grade-appropriate writing. Math practice will include addition, subtraction, foundational skills for multiplication, place value, length, time, money, interpreting data, attributes of shapes, and understanding of fractions.