Flower-mark copy2 Year Anniversary!


2 years! Wow!

Time has flown since we opened our doors to the public 730 days ago. It is with great gratitude that I write this note. My heart is overwhelmed with joy each time a new face joins us at our center, when a student eagerly returns for another program or when I watch a child blow out a candle at one our birthday parties. I am so appreciative of the support that the WNY community has given us. Thank you for trusting us to be part of your child’s education.


We opened two years ago – April 27, 2013. Our doors flew open to welcome guests of all ages to our center which promotes education through motivation and inspiration. While our first year brought us great success, we could not have imagined the growth that would take place in our second year. This year we hosted dozens of programs that allowed children to create, explore, discover and grow as leaders. 250 children learned through play at our summer camps. 20 children celebrated their birthday with us with a completely custom party. Over 60 students met with tutors each week to strengthen their skills and make academic gains that have been life-changing.

As we prepare for our third year in business, I keep our mission close to heart:

Stutelage Innovations helps people of all ages learn, grow, inspire others, and develop into competent leaders who have the skills needed to make a difference in our world. Through education, creativity, and leadership development, we seek to provide a variety of experiences for our community members that support our commitment to lifelong education.

This year will bring new and innovative training and professional development for our tutors, creative programming for all ages, one-of-a-kind custom birthday parties, 36 unique summer camps, affordable room renting options, and most importantly, a whole lot of learning! We hope that you will allow us to be part of your family’s educational journey.

Check us out for a summer camp, in-home tutoring, or birthday party. However you get involved, we know that you will find our passion to be contagious. Thank you for a great second year. We appreciate each and every one of you who have put your faith in us. We are ready for year 3! We can’t wait to learn with you!


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