Milk Jug Sparkle Snowmen


Milk Jug Sparkle Snowmen


Don’t put those Christmas lights away just yet! Here’s a fun family snowman project to go with the story Snowmen at Night by Caralyn Buehner.

About the Book: Snowmen at Night is a perfect story to cozy up next to the fireplace and read on a cold January day! This creative story explores what snowmen might do at night while we are sleeping. Before reading, ask your children what they think snowmen do when everyone is sleeping. I’m sure you will get some entertaining answers-maybe even some answers that will appear in the story! After the story, gather the family for this fun snowman craft!

Craft Time: Milk Jug Sparkle Snowman

This snowman will add some sparkle to your home décor during the gray winter months! Plus, you are recycling and get to keep that joy of Christmas lights lasting a little longer!

Supplies:  milk jug, pipe cleaners, construction paper (orange & black), glue or tape, two large pom-poms, scissors, and white Christmas lights (optional)

* If you don’t have pom-poms or pipe cleaners at home you can make another version of the snowman with a paper hat instead of earmuffs


  1. Cut a hole or flap in the back of milk jug so the plug from the Christmas lights can be pulled through. Fill the milk jug with the Christmas lights and be sure to pull the cord all the way through.
  2. Cut circles out of the black construction paper to use as eyes and a mouth and glue to the front of the jug.
  3. Cut a triangle out of the orange construction paper to use as a nose and glue it to front of the jug.
  4. Glue pipe cleaners to both sides of the jug to create an arch. (We found using hot glue or tape held the pipe cleaners in place the best)
  5. Glue pom-poms on the end of the pipe cleaners to make the earmuffs. (We found hot glue or tape worked the best)
  6. Plug in your snowman and enjoy the glow!

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